ECE 2524

Introduction to Unix for Engineers

The seus That Got Away


The README for “ Theseus and the Minotaur” is very informative and complete with instructions on how to run the game. I like how the authors included instructions for running the game on multiple operating systems. There are absolutely sufficient instructions for compiling the program (since it is in Python, this is required), as well as for executing and using. Luckily I already had Python installed on my computer so I did not have to initially install it, however this may have taken some time for those who did not already have Python. The program compiles and runs without errors in Python. The game works as advertised in the project description.


The source code is readable and well organized, making it easy to navigate through and understand which file does what. The modularity of the different sections of code also contributes to the readability of the program. Variables are named appropriately, making it easy for anyone to easily edit the code as they please. The different levels are written in an easy-to-understand style, and the controls are basic, yet appropriate for such a game. All in all, the style of the game is suitable for what the authors were going for.


The code for “Theseus and the Minotaur” is modular, which gives the authors the ability to easily make changes or additions to the game. The rule of silence was used by the author and absolutely worked to their advantage, making the game what it was meant to be: simple, yet fun. The clear, precise directions and controls provided user-friendliness and made the game an attractive option to try out versus the other game projects. Since the game was not all that complext to design, the use of data representation instead of the code structures used was not necessary. To conclude, “Theseus and the Minotaur” followed the UNIX philosphy fairly well, and the authors created a game that was coded in a nea and modular manner.